About the Admin

We registered the domain for this site on 20th of January 2024. Thus we are currently busy building the site.

We might be an young project. However backed by 14+ year old brand: ComputerNerdinside.com and Rhyker2U (also the admin) has been offering computer services for like 35+ years? A looong time that’s for sure.

Google for “Rhyker2U” to see a lineup of forums and communities. In fact his Dutch / NL locale Gathering of Tweakers (GOT) ‘Rhy’ account dates back to November 2000. Nothing to hide, a lot to share by this boomer.

Vision & Purpose

There is a lot of thought behind this simple online service.

And it boils down to a simple question: what would you do when you earn at least $100,000USD per year? Rhyker had already retired from everything nerdy in 2018 to focus on making more money online. With the 6-figure dream realised in 2023 through Crypto daytrading. IT is time to give back.

Doing any kind of business only is super scary these days without proper precautions, and our scan service proofs over and over again that Windows (and MacOS) users aren’t as safe as they think they are.

Earn to Give

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Managed Service Provider